How to be positive at all times in your life

In order to be successful, it is important to be positive. It’s not easy being positive all the time. But it is worth it. Positive people are more successful, have better relationships, and are healthier and happier. However, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude when things do not go our way. When our minds are foggy, unhappy, or just feeling low energy, it’s tough to think of anything else besides our negative thoughts. We can get so wrapped up in our sadness, anger, or frustration that we can’t see any other way out. But I want you to know that there is another way. You can be positive. There are some ways that we can make sure that we stay positive and achieve our goals.

Being positive is one of the most important things in life. It can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life, and it can also have a positive impact on the people around you. One way to be more positive is to start your day with a list of things you’re grateful for. Another way is to make a point of looking for the good in every situation. Positivity breeds more positivity, so by focusing on the good, you will start to see more good in your life.

Here are some tips on how to be more positive:

Be kind to yourself

One of the best ways to be kind to yourself is to not be too hard on yourself.

When you’re feeling down, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the things you’ve done wrong and focus on why your life isn’t working out. You might start thinking about how much better everyone else has it than you, or how far away from success your dreams seem right now. But remember: being negative only makes things worse! The more negative thoughts you have in your head, the less positive energy there is flowing through your body.

It can also help if you try not to compare yourself to others so much—everyone has different goals and priorities in life, so don’t let others’ achievements discourage yours! Instead of getting jealous when someone else gets something good that they want, try focusing on what they’ve done right and use those lessons as inspiration for what could happen with your own goals one day (plus it’ll make them feel really good). And don’t forget about being grateful for what’s already happened in your life—even if “what” seems like nothing at first blush–because this will help keep things looking up instead of down when times get tough later down the road!

So please remember: self-compassion is key when trying to achieve positivity because

(a) no one else can do this job but YOURSELF.

(b) it takes work sometimes but results ALWAYS pay off.

(c) if one person fails then there would no longer exist any other options available either way.”

Say “thank you” often

How do you say thank you?

  • Say it often. Saying “thank you” is a great way to make people feel appreciated. If someone helps you out, even if they don’t know they’re doing it, say thank you! It will brighten their day, and who knows—they might be inspired to do something nice for someone else too!
  • Say it sincerely and genuinely by expressing how much the person’s action has meant to you in some way. Maybe they saved your life or helped with something that was very difficult for them and took a lot of their time or energy, so now that everything has worked out just fine (and probably better than before), say “thanks.” Don’t forget those little things either; nothing is too small when someone did something kind towards us without expecting anything back from us in return (like lending us something).
  • Say it in whatever language suits the situation best—even if this means not speaking any language at all! For example: “Merci beaucoup” could mean “thank you very much” in French; whereas “Gracias” would mean “thank goodness” in Spanish; while in Hindi “Dhanyawad” would mean “thank you” and Arabic speakers might find themselves saying “Alhamdulillah” instead…

Write down three things you’re grateful for each day

Writing down three things you’re grateful for each day can be a powerful tool for cultivating gratitude. It’s also a great way to start your day, as it helps focus you on the positive aspects of life and what’s going well instead of falling into negative thinking patterns.

Here are some ideas on how to keep track of your daily gratitudes:

  • Write them in a gratitude journal.
  • Write them down on your phone using an app like Todoist or Evernote Reminders (or just use the Notes app). If writing by hand isn’t your thing, try typing them up in Word or Google Docs and saving it as a PDF file that is easily accessible whenever you need it—you could even print this out so that there is always a hard copy available when needed!
  • Use sticky notes and put one somewhere prominent where they’ll be seen multiple times throughout the day (e.g., near the bathroom mirror or on the refrigerator). This way they won’t get forgotten until later when there may not be enough time before bedtime to write anything down!

Help others when you can

  • Helping others is one of the best ways to help yourself.
  • It’s a simple concept, but it can make you feel better about yourself on days when you are feeling down.
  • You just have to make sure that you are helping people who deserve help, not taking advantage of someone in need or giving away your money without them knowing what they will do with it.
  • Giving without expecting something in return makes anyone feel good inside because they know they have done something good for another person.
  • It also helps keep your mind off of worrying about yourself and puts it onto someone else who needs help right now instead!

Volunteer your time for a cause

Volunteering is one of the best ways to connect with others and make a difference in your community. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student, a young professional, or someone who’s retired from work. Volunteering allows you to build relationships with people who have similar interests as well as learn new skills that can help you advance in your career. It also allows you to contribute back to society by helping others, which will make you feel good about yourself and give meaning to life!

There are so many organizations out there that need volunteer help – some examples include Habitat for Humanity, the United Way, and the Save Soil Movement by Sadhguru or help to save the environment like the environmental activist Greta Thunberg.

Smile at everyone you meet (even if they’re strangers)

Smiling is a powerful tool for your mind. The simple act of smiling can help you feel happier and more positive. If you want to be happy, smile more often!

Let’s say you’re feeling down and no one is around to cheer you up. You might think that there’s nothing anyone could do about it because everyone else is busy with their own lives. But if someone did come along, would they not offer some measure of assistance? Of course, they would! So why wouldn’t we extend ourselves in the same way when it comes to being happy?

You can make others feel better simply by smiling at them—and this extends beyond the simple act of smiling. When others see that we’re genuinely happy and contented with our lives, they’ll likely try new things too (like meeting new people). Smiling also has been linked with reducing stress levels so even if someone isn’t having a bad day but sees how much better it makes them feel when they smile back – think: “I’m going out tonight!” – then maybe that person will think twice before making another bad choice or taking part in something unhealthy simply because they’re bored!

It doesn’t take much effort on our part at all but when one acts kindly towards others halfway across town from us…then those actions resonate far outside what might initially seem possible!

Let people know how much you appreciate them

We all know someone who deserves to be told how much we appreciate them. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or even a stranger that has made our lives better in some way, there is no reason why we shouldn’t let them know how much their efforts mean to us.

Let’s face it: no one likes being ignored. It can lead to feelings of isolation and depression if left unattended for too long! So make sure you tell people how important they are to you by doing any of these things:

  • Send a thank-you card or text message
  • Call them on the phone (or even visit if possible)

Write an email with your thanks attached as well as send out cards directly from your computer/smartphone/tablet device; this could also include posting positive reviews online about businesses that have provided exceptional service! (Check out Yelp) – Or write letters directly through snail mail!

This can be a great way for friends who live far away from each other but still won’t stay connected through mailings every month or so throughout the year(s). Letters could even include photos taken during those visits so both sides feel like they’re partaking in something special together.

Stop being so hard on yourself

Many people fall into the trap of negative thinking because they don’t consider the positive aspects of a situation. If you think about it, there must be at least a few good things in every scenario. Look at what you can do to make it better—serve your family dinner with a smile on your face and say “thank you” often instead of focusing on what needs to be done differently next time. Write down three things that went well each day, even if they seem small or insignificant. And don’t forget to help others when possible—it will make both you and them feel better! Finally, volunteer your time or talents for something that’s important to you; this will give meaning to your life while helping others learn new skills as well!

Get enough sleep, eat healthily and drink lots of water

  • Get enough sleep, eat healthily and drink lots of water. You’ll feel better physically and mentally.
  • Get a good night’s rest every night, if possible. Sleep is important for your health and well-being, not just the quantity but also the quality of your sleep. It helps you focus on tasks at hand with more energy, produces better ideas when brainstorming, and makes you happier throughout the day!

You can be positive!

  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Say thank you.
  • Write down three things you’re grateful for each day (and share them with your social media followers!).
  • Help others when you can, even if it’s just a smile or a friendly greeting on the street.
  • Volunteering your time and talents for a cause that is important to you will give you a sense of purpose and help make sure there’s always something in your life that brings joy, despite what else might be going on around you! And finally…
  • Smiling at everyone (even strangers!) will do wonders for those around us and ourselves!


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to be positive may vary depending on the person but we’ve covered a lot of ground here, and it’s really just the beginning. There are so many ways to find positivity and build your resilience. The most important thing is that you start small, take care of yourself first and then others will benefit from your good mood! Do not forget that even if it seems impossible at one point or another, you can always change things for the better by making a decision today or tomorrow – start today with one step towards being more positive tomorrow!

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